Education (學歷):
(1) Master of Science - Information Technology - MIT (咨詢科技理學碩士 )
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
(2) Bachelor of Science - Computer Science (Mathematics) (電腦科學學士)
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(3) High School Diploma
Canadian Overseas Secondary School, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Overseas Experience (國外經驗):
- 在加拿大首都渥太華生活12年, 一直與加拿大白人住在一起,深入了解當地文化和種族關係
- 同屬三三四學制畢業(加拿大high school),故對英文HKDSE考試方面更是瞭如指掌, 現替幾位中五學生同時補英文,為明年HKDSE作最後準備
- 精通美式英語發音(Speaking with American accent)
Teaching Experience (教學經驗):
- 擁有超過6年的英文補習經驗.
(1) 一對一形式教學: 專針對學生弱項出發加以訓練
(2) 一對多形式教學:針對學生普遍的弱項訓練,亦會作學生個別了解和訓練
- 在基督教勵行會的培訓中心教授一班 20人的學生
- 得到香港航運物流協會的邀請任教CRM - Customer Relationship Management(客戶關係管理)一班 15人
- 幫助不同人士補習英文(小學/中學/大學碩士生,工作人士)
現有一班學生作個別英文訓練,加強在Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing四方面來訓練, 解決學生對英文的恐懼和增加對英文的興趣, 我們都以個人或小組教學形式,以speaking為主,主要針對學生對英語演說能力較弱的一項,以美式互動教學來提高學生對英語的興趣,也提供一些針對學生英語語言能力最弱的grammar,tense,sentence structure,提供相對的exercise和test來令學生改善其語言能力,能在將來投身社會作好準備。
對於將要應付HKDSE的學生們也有一套獨特教學方法,針對學生面對一些題目中難以應付的部份加以訓練,有自身一套教材,不用學生花費買書和練習. 熱心為明年考HKDSE的考生們共同努力創造好成績
I'm holding a master degree of MIT (Master of Information Technology). During my last 12 years, I got my bachelor degree in the capital city of Canada (Ottawa) and spent the next 7 years staying and learning their living styles and cultures. I'm very proficiency in spoken English (speaking in American accent).
I was graduated from the New Struture for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education (334 structure). I'm now teaching 5 students' English to prepre for their coming HKDSE exam.
I had gained teaching experience when I was invited to teach 20 students in a Christian Action educational centre. I use 1 to 1 for my teaching platform, and focus mainly on my students' weakness parts such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. I could see improvements from my students after they took few 2-4 hours lessons every week. For interested parties please contact me through email: , or phone: (852)92295318
We are now having a one-to-one or small group discussion teaching methods, based on speaking skills, to deal with the students where the weakest parts they now have. We use the American learning style to help students memorize some vocabulary words they always forgot. Except for speaking, we also provide some exercises such as English structures, grammars, tenses exercise, and other past paper exercises to my students.
P.1 - P.6 --> $110 /hr
F.2- F.3 English --> $130/hr
F.4 - F.5 English --> $150/hr
F.6 - F.7 English --> $180/hr
Undergraduate/Master --> $200/hr
Working --> $200
聯絡人 : | Sam Hung |
電 話 : | 92295318 |