張SIR在通識科所有範疇上有深入的認知,包括答題技巧。 w 張SIR熟識所有公開試(包括會考、高考、新高中、TSA及SBA等)的課程及考核形式,並摘高分的要訣。 w 張SIR的學生成績超卓,進步神速,大多來自本地名校,例如: 聖保羅男女、聖保羅書院、聖士提反女子中學、聖士提反書院、香港華仁、德望、聖約瑟書院、嘉諾撒聖方濟各、喇沙書院、嘉諾撒聖心、男拔及國際學校弘立ISF等。 張SIR現誠替中小學生及成人補習,以及修改論文,價錢面議,2至6人小組補習價錢更有優惠,有興趣者可致電(98215664)或電郵 anthonycheung77@gmail.com 。
Why do we need Anthony Cheung to be our English Tutor? BA (HKU), PGDE (OUHK)
1. He has been an English Teacher for more than a decade and is well- versed with all public exams, be it TSA, SBA, HKCEE, and HKALE and also the NSS curriculum.
2. He obtained Level 4 or Above in all papers in English Teachers’ “Benchmark Exam”, which proves his profound proficiency in English.
3. He has been being a private tutor for more than 15 years and understands the difficulties of most English learners.
4. His teaching supervisor gave him immense compliments after having observed his English lessons for Form 4.
5. He majored in Translation and this helps him understand the subtle differences between Chinese and English and why students may use unidiomatic English.
6. He also majored in English Linguistics and this equips him with the in-depth knowledge in deciphering English Language in many domains, namely, grammar, phonology, and morphology.
7. He was awarded distinctions in many subjects in public exams.
8. Current and graduated tutees study or studied in: St. Paul's Co-educational College, DBS, DGS, LSC, St. Stephen's Girls' College,St. Francis, Wah Yan College, St. Joseph's College,St. Stephen's College, St. Paul's College, St. Paul's Convent School, Chinese International School, St. Mary's, Maryknoll Convent School, VSA, Ying Wa Girls' School, and Yew Chung International School.